Dr Tim Tompson
Dr Tim Tompson
As Co-founder of Snowmelt, Tim brings people together in new ways to enable better conversations. His impact lies in bridging the gap between complexity and simplicity, helping to shape effective pathways in challenging contexts.
Tim has honed unique expertise in employing design-led and systems-based approaches to complex challenges, from his work with a number of consultancies since 2010 and his years of education. His journey includes a PhD in Planning & Urban Development from UNSW, where his research explored dynamics of emerging transport information systems connecting people and places. Previous to this, Tim studied Industrial Design and Arts International Studies at UTS, which included stints at the University of Bergamo, Italy and TU Delft, Netherlands.
Outside of Snowmelt, Tim dedicates time to educating emerging practitioners, lecturing in design and engineering management at UTS, and previously UNSW. He coaches new entrants into Sydney's local startup ecosystem, and stretches his curiosities through many side projects. Tim spends a lot of time in Australian bushland, a familiar context from his childhood where he learned first hand how systems work.
Published works
- 'In becoming a smarter city: pragmatist experiments in Sydney's transport information systems', PhD thesis (2018)
- 'Understanding the Contextual Development of Smart City Initiatives: A Pragmatist Methodology', She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics and Innovation (2017)
- 'Time as Context: Kairos, and the Spatio-temporal “Quality” of Strategic Leadership', APROS/EGOS Conference: Spaces, Constraints, Creativities: Organization and Disorganization (2015)
- 'Conversation not controversy', Participatory Innovation Conference (2012)